Toy Share Experience Inc.
Daycare Children & Youth Services #ShopChamber
Often, parents spend on toys that children lose interest in quickly after a short period of play. It is also expensive to keep up with the latest toys, and we create waste when we throw away the toys that children have outgrown.
That’s why renting is more practical, especially as they go through the toddler and preschooler years.
Toy Share Experience is a service that provides toy rentals for kids up to five years old, with delivery in the Metro Vancouver area. With Toy Share Experience, you can rent toys for the period of time that your child will really enjoy the toy.
Toy Share Experience offers one day, one week, and one-month rental terms, along with three, and six-months subscription plans.
In an age of overconsumption, Toy Share Experience encourages you to embrace the alternative of renting toys to help reduce environmental waste. Let’s encourage a new relationship with toys that is good for the planet.
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