LifeMaps and "new" funeral options

February 15, 2022 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (PST)


Ronnis has been creating LifeMaps for over 30 years and she is wiling to share her expertise with us!

LifeMaps are humorous, captivating, whimsical geographical drawings that depict key people, places, personal traits, defining moments and fond memories in the lives of the recipients.

This visual history becomes a treasured possession and family keepsake. Recipients love their LifeMaps because a LifeMap honours, values and celebrates them for being themselves. A LifeMap lets them know the positive impact they have had on others and lets them see the wonderful traits that are appreciated by their friends, family or colleagues.

As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” or as Rod Stewart once sang, “Every picture tells a story.” On a LifeMap, every picture tells a piece of that person’s story in an engaging way that calls up treasured memories.

As well, Laurie Hurtubise of ANORA Cremation, Burial & Events will share her expertise on “new” funeral options. You don’t know what you don’t know! Can your loved ones cremated remains become a habitat to help overfished oceans? Is there an alternative to cremation that is legal in many provinces, but not yet B.C? Yes. Learn all about it.


Free admission to a virtual event. You must sign up prior to the event via eventbrite:

February 15, 2022 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (PST)

February 15 at 11 am PDT.

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