[Coffee & Commerce] Working Hard & Feeling Good

November 16, 2017 (9:15 AM - 10:45 AM) (PST)


Working Hard, Feeling Good, and Not Getting Paid!

Presented by:
 Roger Gurr

Roger is a Business Dinosaur working for Roger Gurr & Associates (www.rogergurr.com) advising companies on executive and board director compensation. He is also actively working as a volunteer in the Tri-Cities, currently as President of the Coquitlam Sunrise Rotary Club. Over the past 10 years, he has evolved from a money-focused, career-seeking man into a more well-rounded, sometimes-likeable person, seeking a balanced lifestyle with more emphasis on personal growth, relationships, recreation, health (both physical and spiritual) and community service.  

What the presentation will cover: 
Is it time for me to be volunteering and giving back to my community? How do I approach this and what are the right opportunities for me? What are the risks, and what are the rewards?

Who is the session for: 
Anyone looking to positively impact their emotional and mental well-being.

What will member take away/learn: 
What is derailing your personal well-being? This presentation will teach you how you can get more involved with your communities, and the benefits that volunteering can have.

There is limited space for this Coffee & Commerce so register early to avoid disappointment!
Members: Free!*
Non-Members: $20

Beverages and treats from Cobs in Sunwood Square are provided.

Even though registration is free, it is required.
November 16, 2017 (9:15 AM - 10:45 AM) (PST)
Thursday, November 16, 2017
8:45 am - 10:15 am
Coffee & Commerce
Tri-Cities Chamber
Registered Guests
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