Hike for Hospice
May 5, 2024 (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM) (PDT)
Please join us at this year's Hike for Hospice event in Port Moody on Sunday May 5th starting at 9:30am. This is our premier outdoor event promoting the importance of hospice care and grief support. Hike for Hospice is a pledge-based, national event. The purpose of the 5km walk is not only to raise much needed funds, but also to raise awareness for hospice palliative care and grief support. . Come out and join the fun! This year our hike starts at the Port Moody Inlet Theatre at 9:30am where hikers can enjoy live entertainment, warm up exercises, opening remarks from special guests and free refreshments. After the hike, there will be entertainment, a craft table for the kids, ice cream, and a BBQ by donation for all participants. Since 1988, Crossroads Hospice Society has served our communities by providing compassionate, quality care to people with life-limiting illness We provide hospice support through our 10-bed facility, grief services, and thrift store operations in the community. One hundred percent of the proceeds raised at Hike for Hospice support the services and programs at Crossroads. We encourage hikers of all ages and abilities, as well as their beloved four-legged friends, to come out to this fun community event that is growing larger every year.
100 Newport Drive
Port Moody, BC Canada