MPower your Inner Ninja Family Workshop - Bully Prevention Month

February 15, 2020 (10:15 AM - 12:15 PM) (PST)


Testimonial Moe – Fit Body Boot Camp about workshop It’s Moe. We have an exciting workshop coming up for February hosted by MPower Lives. It is something you can do with your child (6 years and up). Michelle Tremblay coached my boys with a similar program at their school and they loved it. They came home and asked me to meditate with them and also take a photo of them meditating. if you know my boys, unless they are in front of a screen, they can’t sit still. ?? This class helped them gain more confidence and learn skills to stand up and stand out. Does your child struggle with anxiety, worry or anxiousness? Are they challenged with bullying behaviour such as anger and other emotions? Do they need to feel more confident to speak up or stand up? Come join a family workshop where you can support your child’s physical, emotional and mental well-being. Create a connection to discuss important and valuable tools and tips such as martial arts/self-defense techniques, fitness, mental and physical awareness skills, practical safety strategies, assertive communication, and relaxation techniques.
$63 (Incl. GST)1 Parent + 1 Child $84 (Incl. GST)1 Parent + 2 Children $105 (Incl. GST)Family (2 Adults + up to 2 Children)
February 15, 2020 (10:15 AM - 12:15 PM) (PST)
10:15am - 12:15pm Feb 15, 2020
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